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Basic processing unit.md (1934B)

      1 +++
      2 title = 'Basic processing unit'
      3 +++
      4 # Basic processing unit
      5 ## Organisation and basic processing cycle
      6 Execution of complete instruction:
      7 1. Fetch instruction
      9     - fetch instruction pointed to by PC, put it into IR (instruction register)
     10     - increment PC by number of bytes
     11     - decode IR and execute instruction specified in IR
     13 2. Fetch operand
     14 3. Perform operation
     16     - use memory operand / NOP
     18 4. Store result
     20 Components:
     22 - CPU bus in the middle — means of communication between different components
     23     - connects every pair of components
     24     - bus width is based on the size of the word (bits), e.g. 32 or 64 depending on the ISA
     25     - bus can only transport that many bits max
     26     - every component can read at the same time
     27     - only one component can write at a certain time
     28 - PC (program counter) — counts instructions, notes which is next
     29 - Processor-memory interface — registers
     30     - Y register — internal, cannot be accessed
     31     - MAR (memory address register) — stores location of various data in memory
     32     - MDR (memory data register) — stores values (data) to be stored
     33     - IR (instruction register) — stores the next instruction
     34 - Decoder — changes (decodes) an instruction into signals
     35 - Register file (R0, R1, R2,…)
     36     - package multiple registers together
     37     - add single gates for input and output -> lower energy requirements
     38     - but with this, only one register can read/write the bus at a time.
     39     - so add another bus `¯\_(ツ)_/¯` energy requirement is the limit
     40 - ALU — computes stuff
     42 Register gating:
     44 - controls who can access the bus
     45 - Put gates before each component to control input/output
     47 Register transfer (e.g. R1 to R3 — all happens at once):
     48 1. Addr_out = R1
     49 2. R_out
     50 3. Addr_in=R3
     51 4. R_in
     53 Load from memory:
     54 1. Ri_out, MAR_in, read
     55 2. MDR_inE, WMFC
     56 3. MDR_out, Ri_in
     58 Store to memory:
     59 1. Ri_out, MAR_in
     60 2. Rj_out, MDR_in, write
     61 3. MDR_outE, WMFC